Free Job Placement and Training!

(Photo David Sánchez).

David Sanchez NSN- For those seeking a well paid career and not just a “job”, Instituto del Progreso Latino offers Careers in Health. According to Claudia Regalado, IDPL’s Careers in Health, Outreach Specialist, “our nursing program is free to those who qualify if they are permanent residents, if they are citizens and have a valid social security number. We also offer transportation assistance and others types of aid so that they may assist free of worry as well as an excellent job placement service connected to all mayor hospitals in Illinois”. Careers in Health have graduated thousands of students since 2005. For information call IDPL at 773.890.0055, or visit Left, Claudia Regalado, Outreach Specialist and Patricia Ramirez, Registered Nurse at McNeal Hospital IDPL’s first graduate.

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